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Missing - Autistic Boy (13)


Stout, Ohio - Adams County Ohio

AFRS is proud to have collaborated with the Adams County Sheriff's Department and many other agencies in a recent incident involving a non-verbal autistic boy who went missing earlier this evening.

In a seamless partnership, AFRS worked closely with another responding drone team (the Clermont County Sheriff's Dept) to swiftly implement a pre-plan based on crucial information provided by the incident command staff.

Three drone operations were efficiently planned and thermal imaging drones were in the air to check the areas deemed most likely to result in a successful find. Shortly after the launch of AFRS and Clermont teams' drones, the missing boy was located near one of the preplanned areas outlined during the pre-planning phase.

The collaborative efforts of concerned citizens on the ground team, regional fire departments, and various peace officer organizations in attendance played a pivotal role in ensuring the safety of the young boy. Following his discovery, he was promptly assessed by EMS staff and safely returned.

This joint command operation stands as a shining example, demonstrating the effectiveness of FEMA-established protocols for managing emergency scenes. It underscores the importance of teamwork by both community members and first responders.

"We commend the exceptional teamwork displayed by all involved in bringing this young man to safety. It truly exemplifies the spirit of 'teamwork makes the dream work'.

Kudos to everyone who contributed to the success of this operation!

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AFRS provides public safety robotic services in Ohio.   We utilize fully certified FIRE/FAA/FEMA pilots to assist your agency or municipality.

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PO BOX 725
Wilmington, OH  45177

Office: 614-642-4900

Dispatch: 614-642-4911

clinton county chamber of commerce

CAGE:  9P1Q7      UEI:  NPCFPNVTAK13    501c3: 87-1633675

© 2023 AFRS -  Fire/Search/Rescue Organization

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